The benchmark for all services is the satisfaction of all parties involved. Whether planning or consulting, whether large or small order: We always solve tasks in a sophisticated and elegant way in order to optimally meet technical, socio-ecological and socio-economic needs. The most important resource of our planning company is our employees.
Excellent technical and methodological skills as well as in-depth industry know-how are the basis for the success of the customer and thus also for our success. To this end, we train our employees to become experts, offer them further training opportunities and accompany them on their way. This is how we secure our leading role in the market. We succeed in this because we always want to be one step ahead of the competition in the crucial things.
For our customers, this means a consistently high level of quality, faster offer and order processing as well as the greatest customer proximity in sales and project management. In summary: SWJ always offers the customer the best price-performance ratio and is therefore the first choice!
our expertise – your success
Planning is our passion. As an industry leader, we want to be the most attractive partner for challenges in the field of production planning in order to make them sustainable for the next generations through innovative, efficient and resource-saving solutions. We want to grow profitably and at the same time create value for society and the environment. With our services and know-how, our entrepreneurial spirit and the strength of local proximity to our customers, we contribute to solving global challenges.
Our individually integrative consulting approach includes planning, implementing, optimizing and qualifying along the entire value chain. Whether you are a medium-sized company or a large international corporation, our focus is always on adding value.
This is our goal, firmly anchored in our slogan:
SWJ – Innovative Solutions Experts
The world is changing at a rapid pace. More and more urgently than ever, solutions are needed for a more sustainable future. It is of central importance to actively shape these and thus make a significant contribution to the factories of the future. Innovative products and technologies help to master pressing global challenges. In order to successfully navigate through the changes, clear guardrails are needed. Our values are the compass for ourselves – and a promise to our customers.
As a company, we live responsibility, act competently, proactively and in partnership. Our commitment to technology and engineering enables us to shape and realize ideas through our innovative strength.
At SWJ, we are committed to ecological, economic and social sustainability, because our common future is at stake. Through our responsible actions, we strive to preserve an environment worth living in for future generations. The careful and waste-free use of resources as well as the avoidance of environmental pollution is firmly anchored in us and our employees and shapes our actions in the engineering sector.
Die Übernahme von Verantwortung für die Umwelt ist nicht nur ein Ansporn für uns, sondern auch eine Herausforderung, der wir uns mit Ehrgeiz stellen. We have set ourselves the goal of becoming climate-neutral and continuously reducing the CO2 emissions of our business processes. In the management of buildings, plants and vehicles, we are always striving for improved energy and resource efficiency.